Please provide a thorough description of the issue for further investigation. Describe what has happened and why you are submitting this report. If you wish to be anonymous, make sure that you do not include information in the report that can reveal your identity.
If you want to receive the answer about the result of the whistleblower process you should fill in your e-mail address.
Esittäkää väärinkäytöksestä perusteellinen kuvaus lisätutkimuksia varten. Kuvaile, mitä on tapahtunut ja miksi lähetät tämän raportin. Jos haluat jättää raportin tuntemattomana, varmista, että et sisällytä raporttiin tietoja, jotka voivat paljastaa henkilöllisyytesi.
Jos haluat saada vastauksen ilmoitusprosessin tuloksesta, sinun tulee kuitenkin täyttää sähköpostiosoitteesi.
Before sending the whistleblower report and its attachments please read the following text and give your acceptance for us to deal with the personal information you provide to us.
Handling and storing of the personal information
Personal information
Personal information means information that describes a person’s individual attributes. This information is a combination of name, phone number, address, email or any other information that the author of the report has given during the whistleblower reporting process.
Data content of whistleblower report portal
In the whistleblower portal the author of the report fills his/her personal information. After filling the form, the author can upload attachments into the portal. Privacy policy statement concerning the whistleblower process data repository can be found here.
Handling of information
Reports sent through the whistleblower portal are moved automatically to corporate’s internal information system. Whistleblower report and attachments are only handled by employees working with the whistleblower process. Automatic notification about the result of the process will be sent to the author of the report if the author has filled his/her e-mail.
According to GDPR, the author of the report must give his/her approval for register’s administrator to collect, handle and save author's personal information. Raumaster is register’s owner by maintaining whistleblower portal for corporate’s whistleblower reports and for that reason collects personal information if the report contains such information.
By clicking the “I approve Terms” at the end of the whistleblower report form, author gives approval to Raumaster to handle his/her personal information which is related to whistleblower report. The approval is registered to whistleblower report's metadata.
Correcting whistleblower report details or cancelling approval
Author of the report can change and correct report details, send additional attachments or cancel given approval to handle personal information by sending new report via whistleblower portal.