Master of Asennus – Miikka Seimelä: “Always ready for departure”

Open-mindedness, sociability, and the ability to handle sudden situations are essential skills for an Installation Coordinator. Departures for various destinations might come with little warning, requiring a character that is always prepared to go.
Miikka Seimelä answers the phone from Hungary and mentions that his next week will be spent working in France. When he returns home to Rauma, it’s time for him to get in front of the camera at Rauma Central Park, by the Tasala Vilkk ja Hakkri Iiro statue depicting a pair of sailors.
Written on the pedestal, the Rauma dialect phrase Ulos maailmaha viä meijä jäljetön diä - roughly translated as “Out to the world takes us our traceless journey” - aptly describes his working life. He goes out into the world and comes back again, although his work does leave a trace: the equipment delivered serves customers long into the future.
"You might not always know where the next week’s assignments will take you, and departures can be sudden. It does take a certain kind of person and specific arrangements to make it work when you can’t plan very far ahead, but this suits me well," Seimelä explains.
He enjoys the international working environment, with mounting sites across Europe. Over the years, he has worked in destinations such as Spain, Germany, and Denmark, along with the countries aforementioned.
"On average, I travel about 150 days a year. Each site is always a little different. Understanding different cultures is important, both in the workplace and outside of it."

Hands-on experience as an asset
Seimelä began his career at the company in an assisting position at the Raumaster Sampaanala Workshop, working with tools such as the saw and radial drill for a period of a few months. When his studies required practical work training, he secured a position in the Installation department in summer 2015.
He continued working there during subsequent summers and transferred to the Engineering department to work on his thesis in 2018. After graduating from Satakunta University of Applied Sciences in 2019 as a mechanical and production engineer, Seimelä remained in Engineering until the end of 2020, when he returned to Installation in his current position.
"All my previous work experience is a great benefit in my role as an Installation Coordinator. In the large-scale projects we deliver, I’ve seen many different kinds of equipment working in practice. I’ve learned how things work on-site."

Quick responses in an ever-changing environment
The Raumaster Oy Installation department installs and supervises the installation of new equipment and maintenance shutdowns in collaboration with the Service department. They also participate in equipment startups, test runs, and troubleshooting.
As an Installation Coordinator, Seimelä coordinates and oversees mounting and maintenance, calculates small quotation estimates for mounting work, and manages the required equipment and infrastructure. Occasionally, he also performs mounting work.
"From the perspective of the Installation Department, each project advances uniquely depending on the entity and its details. We are extremely service-oriented. When an assembler is needed on site, one of us will be there the next morning."
Seimelä also spends time working in Finland. For instance, he spent early 2024 at the Sampaanala Warehouse working on test runs.
"In this job, you must be able to react to surprising and at times fast-moving situations. We have many experienced colleagues, and transferring tacit knowledge must constantly happen alongside working."
“An exceedingly service-oriented attitude is a key factor in Raumaster quality.”
Master of Asennus – so, how are assembling tasks mastered?
Miikka Seimelä, Installation Coordinator at Raumaster: “In assembling work, you must be open, social and have a good sense of humour. You must also be able to react to surprising and at times fast-moving situations. As an Installation Coordinator, departures for sites can come with little warning, so the right attitude is important. The best thing about my work is its diversity and variability.”