Master of Service – Niko Lausola: ”The common ground of attitude and understanding”

Customer Service Engineer Niko Lausola takes care of the needs and requirements of delivered products long into the future. In the everyday life of after-sales service, the ability to succeed under pressure and the vast knowledge of materials and work environments becomes accentuated.

Working at the Raumaster Service Department, Customer Service Engineer Niko Lausola spends his days both at the office as well as customer sites around the world. His areas of responsibility include production plants of customers operating in Spain, Chile and Portugal as well as some pulp mills and power plants operating in Finland.

The role of the Service Department is accentuated in long-term customer relationships. After-sales services takes care of reform and overhaul of already-delivered machinery, spare part sales as well as carrying out machinery inspections at customer plants.

”We work closely at the customer interface. We take care of our already-existing customer relationships and that the machinery we have delivered serves them for as long as possible, even in heavy use. I am in constant interaction with the customers and together we create the solutions fit for any changed conditions”, says Lausola.

”Our inspectors visit plants for example during their yearly overhaul, and based on the yearly inspection report we give out our service recommendations. During shutdowns we complete a large number of measures and observations in a short time. These often involve variable factors, so the ability to handle pressure and make quick decisions when needed is highlighted in our everyday work.”

Niko Lausola works at the office as well as customer sites around the world.

Familiarization with machinery in an operational environment

When at the office, Lausola’s days are mainly centered around spare part sales as well as preparing offers and annual overhaul estimates. Succeeding at work requires multifaceted skills.

”In this job you must know the different qualities of materials, understand mechanisms of wear and know the functionality principles of processes such as different kinds of fuel feeding and chip screening. Know-how on welding and the needs and goals of maintenance are both important as well”, says Lausola.

"Together we create the solutions fit for any changed conditions."

Lausola does machinery inspection visits all around the world. In the past years, his average amount of days abroad has been around 100 per year.

”Travelling balances out office work nicely. At the sites you can see the machinery in action in its intended surroundings. Simultaneously you get to know different cultures, and first and foremost different cultures of maintenance.”

Continuous development of personal competence

Lausola has been working at Raumaster since February 2021. His previous work experience includes valve sales and inspection as well as welding and fitting within the piping industry.

”I got a suggestion to come talk to Hannu Rantapero, even though I wasn’t really looking for a new job. During that conversation it became clear to me that if I’m offered a job, I’ll take it”, Lausola remembers.

”I haven’t regretted that decision for a day. I’ve never enjoyed work the way I do now. The days are full of good surprises and positive challenges.”

“One must find quick solutions to variable factors.”

Having originally graduated as a plater-welder, Lausola completed his Bachelor’s Degree in mechanical engineer during the spring of 2024 and started his Master of Science in Technology studies in mechanical engineering this autumn.

”At Raumaster, you are encouraged to develop your personal competence. I’ve been given responsibilities at a suitable pace. Our Service Department has a great common flow.”

Master of Service – so how are after sales services mastered?

Niko Lausola, Customer Sales Engineer, Raumaster: The ability to work well under pressure, patience, the right attitude and close collaboration with different experts within the company are all important, just as well as understanding different materials and processes. In this job you need to be able to read the client and their needs. At times, the right sense of humor is also a great help.